My heart is yours to fill or burst, to break or bury. Or wear as jewelry.

Since last Wednesday there has been an unusual stirring of the Holy Spirit here in Kansas City.  So events team has dove in full frontal to make evening sessions happen every night this week.  Which means a ton of extra screen work, a month out from onething.  Trust me, I had plenty to do before hand.  So I’ve been super stressed, not sleeping or eating well and frustrated beyond all belief that I associate the awesomeness of the Holy Spirit awakening with having to do a bunch of unanticipated work.

This is the first time I’ve ever seen anything like this – the manifestations that are happening.  I grew up Baptist and all of this is totally new, totally different and honestly totally weird.  I don’t really know how to posture myself, or hold my heart and am constantly looking for cues from anyone and everyone with the main goal of – trying to find Him in the midst of this, trying to maintain my prayer life, and trying to read my bible as much as possible.

Scripture like Philippians 2 – Do all things without grumbling or disputing…

I’m thankful, because honestly I feel the Holy Spirit too, and it’s awesome that He’s touching people in this way. But I think I may have hit my limit.  The max I can serve with the minimum of receiving.  It’s time to put my need for Him first.

So last night I did, I left the screens cave and got prayer and feel 100 times better.  I couldn’t wrap my head or heart around this renewal, it was just something going on that I didn’t feel engaged in what so ever because I was so swamped with “screen-things to do lists”.

Some friends have been jumping in to help and so I’m not taking it all on myself now.  🙂  And I’m excited to see what the Holy Spirit continues doing.  Overall, this thing rocks.

Oh, and all those media people are just friends who come in the screens cave to bug me, since they all work up there too.  No princes.  I will not date someone before they ask.

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